Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Baby Dumping Essay

Child is a priceless give from Allah. However, baby dumping is a social crisis and has a chronic discarding or leaving alone, for an extended period time, a child younger than 12 months of age in a public or private setting with the intent to dispose of the child. Based on Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistic found a total of 580 babies were found dumped between year 2011-2012 and found the number was increased day by up until now. This number of cases every year where as much as 65 baby dumping cases has increased to 83 cases in the earlier year of 2013. In the first 5 months, almost every day there are reports on dumped baby cases. This scenario had been more serious from day to day although there are a lot about this in a mass media and teenagers always seen to be involved in this situation. YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE ISSUE: In my opinion, we can avoid the baby dumping through several activities; Through campaign: To raise awareness of this issue to the public. One of the campaign’s focuses is â€Å"Kami Prihatin†. It was launched on 23rd March 2010 and activities were organized to promote child protection policy, producing the documentary and publishing community awareness advertisements in Utusan Malaysia. Other ways: Prevention programs towards the regions and categories of population with increased risks of dumping and setting up a coherent reporting and monitoring system as regards the dumping and the risk of abandonment. Standardizing the written forms and the procedures of registering women which get admitted in maternities in order to give birth and elaborating procedures for keeping records of mothers and children without identity papers and creating a database on this matter. Religion knowledge: every religion emphasizes their believer to not to do the wrong things. Long-term solutions to the problem of baby dumping require efforts at prevention. Steps must be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis, and increase communication within families and communities. HOW THE ISSUE CAN INFLUENCE YOU IN YOUR LIFE For me, this kind of action should be avoid totally by every single soul because the baby is an innocent and don’t know anything and even animal loves their babies. This kind of action gives me such a lesson that it will ruin our society ‘totally’. We should take a responsibilities to our action and do not let others take it. I can’t stand still if I heart this kind of case because I have the humanity sense and I think other people are agreed to my statement. Only people that have no humanity sense will dump their baby away. I will not do this action and I hope others too. I am the saddest person if I heard and look the baby being dumped by their ‘animal’ mother.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of AIDS Essay

AIDS is a disease that destroys a person’s immune system. AIDS is a blood born pathogen. It was originally only found in gay men. This led to people calling it the â€Å"gay men disease. † They use to think that this was punishment from God for their being gay. Then researchers found out some drug users were also getting the HIV virus, which leads to AIDS, from sharing needles. After that, it was referred to as the â€Å"gay man and druggy disease. † All of the labels AIDS has been given are completely wrong; even heterosexual, sober people can get AIDS. Considering the many ways of contracting HIV/AIDS it seems foolish to limit the causes to sex and drug use. Jonathan Mann wrote: We do not know how many people developed AIDS in the 1970s, or indeed in the years before. We do now know that the origin of AIDS and the virus HIV was probably in Africa. What we also know is: â€Å"The dominant feature of this first period was silence for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was unknown and transmission was not accompanied by signs or symptoms salient enough to be noticed. While rare, sporadic case reports of AIDS and sero-archaeological studies have documented human infections with HIV prior to 1970, available data suggest that the current pandemic started in the mid- to late 1970s. By 1980, HIV has spread to at least five continents (North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia). During this period of silence, spread was unchecked by awareness or any preventive action and approximately 100,000-300,000 persons may have been infected. (qtd in â€Å"History†) The first awareness of AIDS was in June of 1981, when they found traces of PCP in five men in Los Angeles, California. This event occured when they believed only gay men could get the disease, so they were not worried about it spreading to heterosexual people. This was all also before the method of transmission was known; they thought a person could catch it if he or she were standing to close to someone who had the disease. In December of 1981 the first cases of AIDS were reported in intravenous drug users. In 1982 AIDS was still nameless. People started calling it numerous names, such as â€Å"Gay Compromise Syndrome,† â€Å"GRID (gay-related immune deficiency),† â€Å"AID (acquired immunodeficiency disease),† â€Å"gay cancer† and â€Å"community-acquired immune dysfunction. (â€Å"History†) Later that year, reports emerged of children and transfusion recipients getting AIDS. Everyone knew this was no longer a gay related disease. Persons who may be considered at increased risk of AIDS include those with symptoms and signs suggestive of AIDS; sexual partners of AIDS patients; sexually active homosexual or bisexual men with multiple partners; Haitian entrants to the United States; present or past abusers of IV drugs; patients with hemophilia; and sexual partners of individuals at increased risk for AIDS. qtd in â€Å"History†) This was the message that CDC (Center for Disease Control) sent out when researchers discovered that AIDS was spread through body fluids. It was not until March 1983 that researchers discovered this. Between 1987 and 1992 there were many prevention groups created. ACT-UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) was founded to attempt to end the AIDS crisis. â€Å"On April 2, 1989, Hans Verhoef, a Dutch man with AIDS, was jailed in Minnesota under the federal law banning travelers with HIV from entering the USA. †(â€Å"History†) In July of 1990, Kimberly Bergalis was infected with HIV by her dentist, David Acer. The CDC would not believe Kimberly, they didn’t think this type of infection was possible. Her father kept telling the CDC that Kimberly would not back down, thus by the end of it all the CDC supported her conclusion. Early in 1991, the CDC confirmed that the same dentist infected two other patients. In the fall of 1991 Kimberly requested mandatory HIV testing for all health care workers, so that â€Å"others don’t have to go through the hell that I have. (â€Å"History†) A few years after the CDC chose not to do the mandatory testing, Kimberly Bergalis died. In 1991 Earvin (Magic) Johnson announced that he was HIV positive; he then retired from professional sports. He wanted to use his celebrity status to educate kids about the disease. He also said, â€Å"I think sometimes we think, well, only gay people can get it – it is not going to happen to me. And here I am saying that it can happen to anyone, even me Magic Johnson. † (â€Å"History†) In 1992 the FDA(Federal Drug Administration) approved the use of two drugs combined, it was the first combination of drugs that was successful. This new drug is not a cure, but it constitutes an important addition to the expanding group of antiviral drugs currently available, including AZT and DDI, for treating people with AIDS. † stated James Mason. (â€Å"History†) On December 1, 1993, World AIDS Day, Benetton and ACT UP Paris put a giant condom (22m x 3. 5m) in the time square equivalent in Paris to raise awareness of the disease. (â€Å"History†) One of the television ads, entitle Automatic, features a condom making its way from the top drawer of a dresser across the room and into bed with a couple about to make love. The voice-over says, ‘It would be nice if latex condoms were automatics. But since they’re not using them should be. Simply because a latex condom, used consistently and correctly will prevent the spread of HIV. ’ (qtd in â€Å"History†) This was a commercial that attempted to make men wear condoms to keep the HIV virus from spreading. If a man wears a condom it will reduce the chance of the woman contracting the virus. In 1994 scientists found a medication that reduced the spread of HIV from mother to infant by two thirds. This was the first sign that mothers can decrease the spread of HIV to their children, and maybe stop it all together. In 1996, a heavyweight boxer was tested positive for HIV before a fight. This was his reaction: â€Å"I thought AIDS was something that happened to gays and drug addicts. A macho guy like me who loves ladies and super fit – he doesn’t get AIDS! † stated Tommy Morrison. (â€Å"History†) In his State of the Union address on 28th January, US president George Bush proposed spending $15 billion in combating AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean over the next 5 years. He called the scheme ‘a great mission of rescue’. â€Å"This comprehensive plan will prevent 7 million new ‘AIDS’ infections, treat at least 2 million people with life-extending drugs, and provide humane care for millions of people suffering from AIDS, and for children orphaned by AIDS. †-President Bush Just two days later, US Health Secretary Tommy Thompson was elected as the new chairman of the Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria. It was hoped this move would prevent a conflict between the Bush administration and the international health community. (qtd in â€Å"History†) Symptoms of AIDS include; heart infections, intestine infections, and other infections that are uncommon. When a person has AIDS he or she gets very uncommon infections that a healthy immune system could fight off. Since his or her immune system slowly gets destroyed he or she can’t fight off infections and viruses that most people can. The most common cause of AIDS is sexual transmission. This can be between two men, two women, or heterosexual intercourse. The second highest cause is being exposed to blood borne pathogens. This can happen from blood donations, or just having open wounds. This however cannot happen from close contact, like some people believe. The least likely way to contract the virus is from mother to child, because we now have drugs that make it so less than one percent of children will get it from their mother. AIDS is a disease that will completely destroy your immune system. It attaches to your white blood cells and keeps them from doing their job. White blood cells would normally fight off any infection that get into your body, but when the HIV virus changes to AIDS it will block the receptors from the message your brain sends saying to attack this bacteria. This means AIDS does not kill you, rather the illness AIDS won’t let your body fight kill you. There are many ways to prevent AIDS, the most effective way is abstinence. If you are not sexually active, you cannot get an STI. However, if you feel you have to have sex use a condom. Not only does it prevent unwanted birth, but it will also reduce the transmission of STIs. (â€Å"CDC†) The importance of condoms in the fight against STDs is readily apparent, whether one focuses on the past, the present or the future. But condoms clearly have not been used as widely as they must be to significantly slow the spread of infection. One solution is the greater promotion of condoms through advertising, education and public-awareness campaigns. We believe another necessary step is to improve condoms – making them more user-friendly, sexy and pleasurable. (qtd in Pinkerton) Another way to prevent the spread of AIDS is to avoid infected blood. So if you are a doctor working on an HIV positive patient, wear rubber gloves. Also, if you are HIV positive, don’t have sexual relations with multiple people, and tell them if you are going to sleep with them. The least you can do is let them know they are risking their lives. William B. Kaliher has investigated cases of venereal disease for more than twenty-five years. In the following viewpoint, Kaliher asserts that while it is mandatory for health departments to find and notify the sexual partners of patients with venereal disease, partner notification in HIV cases is not mandatory. He argues that partner notification is especially important in HIV/AIDS cases, however, as AIDS is always fatal. Without mandatory notification, he contends that those who have HIV can continue to infect other people. If people with HIV/AIDS are notified that they may be infected, they can get tested. qtd in Kaliher) In this society, two things are very clear. The government is not making decisions in the best interest of the public health. The government is also not utilizing every tax payer’s dollar; they are not doing as much to prevent the spreading of AIDS as they can do. Also another way of preventing the spread of AIDS would be to educate the people most likely to spread the disease. The health official could do this by going into the areas where drug users live, and tell them that if they share needles they are at risk of dying earlier than normal people are. They could also talk to the prostitutes in Las Vegas, the women who are with ten, fifteen, or twenty men a night. They could tell them not only are they at higher risk for spreading the disease, but they could also spread it to hundreds of other men. (Kaliher) There is no vaccine against HIV, and no cure for AIDS. The key to decreasing the spread and reducing the impact of this disease is to promote healthy behaviors that prevent infection or minimize the adverse effects of treatment. Health promotion, disease prevention, and symptom management are key components of the research conducted by the biobehavioral scientists supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR). The Institute funds both domestic and international HIV/AIDS research programs. (qtd in NINR) There are also many myths about AIDS. First of all AIDS is not just the gay men disease. Anyone can contract AIDS, and not a lot of people try to prevent spreading it. Like the saying â€Å"gay as AIDS† that statement is very inaccurate. AIDS is present in many heterosexual peoples’ lives. Also AIDS is not only in drug addicts who share needles. Someone cannot call AIDS the druggy disease or the gay men disease just because they were some of the first people to have it. The solution to the myths about AIDS is to increase awareness on all of the aspects of AIDS. People need to know that people can get AIDS from more than just sharing needles and having gay sex. People can catch AIDS from their mother when they are born or being breast fed, people can catch it from having heterosexual sex, and people can also catch it when they receive a blood donation from an infected donor.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PERSUASIVE MESSAGE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PERSUASIVE MESSAGE - Assignment Example t in place to ascertain that we are the best in the industry, we came to an agreement that we will need the best instructor in the industry to walk with us through this journey and after consultations it was decided that you are the best in the industry and came to a conclusion to request fro your prowess to enable us achieve our goals. With your skills and prowess in ballet we believe that we have a great opportunity to grow together both financially and professionally. With the goal of being the best, we had a meeting and came to a consensus that we can introduce special classes in our studio for new members who we will charge a premium to join. We target at creating something new in the industry and with your help we believe that this is a great business opportunity for you and our company. We want to make our business stand out and because our company is renown, we will get new students fast and easy and because you are popular we believe that you are the right person for this job. We intend to start a three-days-a-week beginning ballet class with you as the instructor to achieve this endeavor. We understand your busy schedule and have factored all these in our program and we will highly appreciate your approval. It is our understanding that you have free evenings and were kindly requesting you to spare this time to work with us as we move forward towards becoming the best as a team. We believe that you teaching in our studio will promote ballet, which we know is your heartfelt desire. We have dedicated students and have the conviction that not only will you enjoy teaching in our studio but it will also be an exciting experience as you will also interact with our team. With our renown studio, this will also be an opportunity for you to add credits too your resume as we are an established and recognized company. In terms of compensation we have a hefty package, which we intend to discuss with you further so that we can come to an agreement that will be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Service of Rooftop Movies Research Paper

Marketing Service of Rooftop Movies - Research Paper Example It is observed that the cinema industry has amassed enormous growth in recent times due to the emergence of 3D experience along with the latest technology based digital effects. In this context, the revenues are expected to increase considerably from the cinema industry of Australia in the upcoming years (Westberg 2011). External Environment Rooftop Movies, which is located in Perth city of Western Australia, has ultimately transformed into a premier destination for those people who live and work in the city. The patrons or the customers belonging to the Perth city consider Rooftop Movies as one of their refreshment destinations and was voted by Wallpaper Magazine as the third coolest leisure experience in the world (City of Melbourne 2012). There are many companies that enthusiastically sponsor Rooftop Movies which include Heinz Co., Mini, Bulmers and Volley among others. The cinema industry has attained a significant reputation and success by generating more employment opportunitie s along with attracting foreign finance for the production of the film industry. The Australian government has documented the inherent social value of the cinema industry which facilitates to promote a sense of identity, appreciation of cultural diversity and social cohesion. Furthermore, the cinema industry of Australia has increasingly delivered economic related benefits by generating a large sum of revenue and has ultimately become a powerful marketer of the nation (Australian Government 2006). It has been recognized that the Australian film industry has been reinvented as well as transformed by advanced technological methods along with innovation. The most significant impact of advanced technology in the movie industry of Australia is the introduction of digital technology. This particular facet of digital-based technology has contributed greatly and posed noteworthy effect upon certain activities that include visual effects, sound mixing, compositing, film and sound editing amo ng others.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sustainability and Prefabrication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainability and Prefabrication - Essay Example However, the definition is insufficient since the definition for the term need is opposed to wants and luxury. The declaration linked global equity to degradation of the environment which calls for equitable consumption of resources to the global north and south. If linking the problems of consumption and poverty with pollution and resource degradation, then solutions require a lot of strategies (United Nations, 1987). This has led to complementary and contradictory definitions of sustainability. It is therefore necessary that the scope of a project be determined, the procedures outlined, so that critical terms of sustainability are defined. There are three integral dynamics that led to sustainability practices; On the other hand, a practice that neglects to address the discussed areas above fails to be sustainable. This is in accordance to Brundtland Commission Report. It may fall short along continuum or conscious misrepresentation (United Nations, 1987). Primary industries performing growing, harvesting, extraction, and processing of natural resources are the first in the chain of production. These industries deliver most of the necessities of human beings. A clear understanding of their activities develops a vivid understanding of sustainability. According to primary industries, sustainability is the ability of operating perpetually through adaptive management and scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is relevant to maintaining the environment and the natural resources that communities and economies depend on. Just like other industries, construction industry has to reconsider its relationship with the environment. The aspects of green construction and accepting responsibilities to the environment through construction activities are important. It is necessary that construction activities explore better ways and analyze construction processes so that the industry contributes towards sustainable development.

Trend analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trend analysis - Essay Example The clothing line is always in fashion and adjusted to the changing trends. In addition to this, the clothes and accessories are 100 % US made and their designing and manufacturing is not outsourced to other countries. 1. COUTURE CLASSIC: Couture classic is the main source of revenue for the company. It is targeted towards people who love distinctive fabric. The clothes are hand-tailored and cover tailored shirts, pants, vests and leather jackets. According to the company’s sales person, the collection is aimed for high stitching and high sewing. The clothes are custom made and designed according to the requirements of private clients. Keeping in view the company’s product line, the competition in the fashion industry of Los Angeles is very intense. The largest concentrations of fashion designers work in either California or New York. Los Angeles ranks as a global fashion center (industry information of fashion designers). It is the largest manufacturing area in the western U.S. and home of many top designers. A short look at the competitors of Couture, the clothing company is given below: 1. DOMESTIC COMPETITORS: The local competitors of couture are Juicy couture, Oscar de la Renta, Cherokee jeans, 1921 Denim, Butterfly dropout, Affliction clothing, Antic denim, Davinci clothing, Catch a fire clothing, Salvage, Smet clothing etc. These designers cover the â€Å"breadth of clothing lines† under their roofs (Los Angeles fashion industry profile 12) 2. INTERNATIONAL COMETITORS: The international labels competing in the fashion industry of LA, California are Nike, Crossroads, Armani, Levis, Adidas, Diesel, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Fendi, Prada, Copula, Ebba etc. In addition to this, the retail and wholesale stores in LA fashion district has made the clothing industry much more competitive. Therefore, Couture has to use forward looking strategies

Friday, July 26, 2019

Essay about comparing and contrast methods of communication used 50

About comparing and contrast methods of communication used 50 years ago - Essay Example Verbal communication involves the exchange of words on an oral level; this mode is considered to be the most frank and shortest way to communicate. Examples of such communication may include personal interviews, telephone calls, seminars, meetings, conferences. The communication modes that were adopted for verbal communication 50 years back included minimal use of phones since they were not very common in those days. Mobile phones were not still in the phase of being invented. It is due to these reasons that face to face communication was mostly adopted to exchange information. The conventional face to face communication has been replaced with mobile communication and verbal communication facilitated by computer applications. The decreasing need for face to face interaction is making people aloof from the rest of the world and making them anti-social. Shim stated that the habitual usage of mobile phones and verbal communication applications is having an effect on the desire of the in dividuals (specifically teenagers) to interact with their family members, whereas family relations bore great relevance in the past generations. The quality and essence of written communication that was held precious in the past years seems to be fading away with the integration of new modes and technologies. Examples of written communication are regulations, publications and reports, circulars, memos, proposals and complaints. Government agencies also opt for written communication to ensure a long term record of data and circulation of information on low costs. The conventional modes of written communication included postal mail that took extensive durations to reach their destination. The receiving of this type of communication was not even guaranteed and could only be confirmed when it reached its destination. Such slow pace and unreliable mode of communication has been replaced with better technological modes, such as email, text messages on cell phones, messages on

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Recording labels & Music Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Recording labels & Music Marketing - Essay Example It has a significant presence in the region. Besides, the record label has a number of artists signed to it. It accords a platform for marketing and promoting all these artists irrespective of their status. For instance, in their website, they have a portal which allows the artists to have their music promoted via a digital store. The digital store, as it is in most cases, is always connected to the iTunes stores. With the advent of information age together with the opportunities presented by it, digital platforms for promoting music is a necessary part of the promotion (Brae, 2012). Brief Background on the All Around the World The music label was formed in 1990. It should be noted that demographically, the record label is located in England but it has signed artists from various parts of the globe. The artists signed to the label are mainly determined by the genre of music in which it specializes in. Largely, the genre of music for the group was dance. However, it is apparent that i t had to conform to modern trends in music. Consequently, the music group also incorporated Rnb as a genre in its production. The record label does the promotion of its music products through the universal music group which is an established music marketing and producing company. The transformations that have been at the company have seen it sign even hip-hop artists. Hip-hop is a genre of music that has been incorporated into the recording label’s staple. Some of the artists who have been signed to the group in the recent past whose music has been of hip-hop genre include Skepta. The following discourse partly focuses on Skepta in terms of his music. Skepta Skepta is a rapper who is English. His real names are recorded to be Joseph Adenuga. The rapper is of African descent. The rapper has had different compilation albums as well as mixtapes. His first album was the one released in 2007. The name of the album was called the Greatest hits. This gave the artists a platform whic h saw to his rise and popularity especially when he released the single titled Bad Boy. Mixtapes as Part of Music Culture Mixtapes are a ways through which artists promote themselves. They are unlike compilation or studio albums. The copyright rules do not actually apply to them. In reference to the artist in focus, he has had three mixtapes. The first one was titled Been there done that. The date of release of that compilation was in 2010. The second mixtape was titled community payback. This was released in 2011 and was hosted by the renowned DJ Whoo Kid. In hip hop music, this has been used by various artists to launch and even propel their careers. A notable beneficiary of this was 50cent. It is arguably true that Curtis Jackson is one of the biggest names in hip hop in recent times. While trying to gain an entry into the music industry, he made a name through a mixtape titled How to rob the industry. In the music, he made comical inferences to already established music icons li ke Jay Z. by doing what he did, he attracted attention on him. Consequently, it acted as a platform for promoting his talent. Urban Radio Industry The urban industry for radio in the UK has progressively grown in leaps too. Over the years, the radio stations have played a vital role in the music culture. They promote artists and contribute fairly in the marketing of their music. A few years back, there were few registered FM stations. Most of the stations then were pirates. These stations included Rinse FM which

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Memo regarding gun violence and illegal use of narcotics Assignment

Memo regarding gun violence and illegal use of narcotics - Assignment Example However, their use should be solely after a doctor’s or professional pharmacist’s prescription. Nevertheless, many people tend to ignore this fact and go ahead to abuse these substances. The most common manner through which the abuse takes place is by taking these drugs in high dosages and, thus, altering their reception by the human body system. By modifying the reception, the brain fails to co-ordinate and function normally, and this leads to the users engaging in acts of violence. As in this case, the acts of violence often involve the purchase of firearms in an effort to settle old scores. In the normal and sober condition of these people, they may have had a misunderstanding with someone. The misunderstanding might have been negligible, but after the intoxication of the brain, all these emotions get heightened, thus resulting in the purchase of these weapons to commit acts of revenge or associated self-gratification tactics (Decker and Alarid 37). The other relation between gun violence and the illegal use of narcotics is concerning the economic environment. Over the last couple of years, the economy has been unstable with inflation hitting the market often. This has made it difficult for people that live under the poverty line and at times, even middle-income earners to survive these conditions. This leads to the indulgence in additional activities such as the sale of firearms in an effort to obtain additional money for the fulfillment of personal needs. For the addicts, these personal needs may even involve the purchase of more drugs. Another connection found between the illegal use of narcotics and gun violence is the systematic link (Decker and Alarid 47). Common to all countries in the world, the use of narcotics is a crime. This, therefore, makes it rather impossible for any peaceful drug business to take part legally. As widely perceived, any illegal activity is usually associated with violence. The narcotics environment is rather concealed

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact Of Ww2 On Children (The Forgotten Victims Of World War II) Essay

Impact Of Ww2 On Children (The Forgotten Victims Of World War II) - Essay Example Youth showed strength and unity in face of adversity. The hardships that children had to bear during World War II are beyond imagination. Restriction of diet, evacuations to be safe from air raids and bombings, loss of family members, and disruption of education systems are only a few of the problems faced by these brave souls. World War II, as often called as â€Å"War against children†, saw kids who were hungry, displaced, murdered, abused, and kidnapped. Post war humanitarian movements to protect these children were initiated very late. This paper focuses describing the different ways these precious minds were affected by World War II. The monumental effects will be briefly explained in order to give a rough idea of how horrifying the war experiences were for these kids. Table of Contents 1.1 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 1.2 Impact of ww2 on children’s daily lives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 1.3 Child Soldiers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 1.4 Physical impact on war children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 1.5 Moral and spiritual impact on war children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 1.6 Psychological impact on war children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 1.7 Social and cultural impact on war children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 1.8 Educational impact on war children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 1.9 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..11 Works cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...12 Effects of World War II on Children 1.1 Introduction World War II established a whole new meaning to lives of not only the soldi ers fighting over it but also those at home front, especially children. It was a critical time which resulted in reorganization of the whole society. For many children, World War II was the defining experience of their lives. Some associated the times with patriotism while some with intense consciousness of being part of a generation distinct from others. Others saw the era with great anxiety, a period of family separation or bearing heavy personal and financial losses. The pressures exerted on these children affected their daily lives as well as their way of thinking. Children along with elders were voluntarily or involuntarily forced to not only exert their every move towards war efforts but also solve day to day problems on their own. This paper is an attempt to explore the variety of effects World War II created on the youth. 1.2 Impact of World War II on Children’s Daily lives Juliet Gardiner asserts that â€Å"the forgotten victims of World War Two were the children.â €  ("Children and World War Two") It did not matter to which country they belonged to, whether they were American, British, and Japanese or from Poland, youth of all regions were massively affected by it. In Britain alone, nearly 2 million children were evacuated from their homes at the start of the War. ("Children and World War Two") An uncountable number of killings gave rise to many orphans. Otherwise, as most of the men of a family entered war, daily life of the younger ones was mostly affected. They had to face time away from not just fathers, uncles, and brothers but also long hours away from mothers, who took place of husbands in factories. Once the bombing

Monday, July 22, 2019

8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign Essay Example for Free

8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign Essay Here are eight steps you can follow to keep your advertising campaign on track and successful: Market research: Before you even start thinking about where you might want to place an ad or even what it could look like, it’s important to do at least some basic research. Even if you aren’t in a position to bring in an expensive research firm, you can ask your current customers questions about why they come back to you, as well as taking a close look at your target demographic’s needs and interests. Budgeting: Your business probably has a set advertising budget for the year — but how do you divvy it up between your various advertising projects? For each project you’re planning, you need to be clear on just how much money you’re willing to spend. You’ll almost certainly change exactly how you divide it between costs like copy writing and design, but you can treat the overall amount as set in stone. Write it down and put it in your project folder. Setting goals: The aims you have in mind for a particular advertising project need to be written down ahead of time. While it’s good to be ambitious, it’s also important to decide what constitutes a successful advertising campaign for your business. Sales can be the simplest metric: if you’re advertising a particular product, how many units will you need to sell to pay for that campaign? Advertising venue: The website, tv station, newspaper, radio station, magazine or other advertising venue you place your ad with is a crucial decision. You’ll need to look at not only the cost of your preferred venues but also whether they reach your target demographic. Ad buys can make up a significant portion of your budget. Deciding on where you will place your ads first tells you how much money you’ll have left over for actually creating your ad. Choosing creatives: Unless you’re planning to write, shoot and design every part of your ad, you’ll probaably need to bring in some help. Finding the right freelancers for each aspect requires checking through portfolios and rates — if you can find a business or freelancer who can handle all aspects of creating your ad, even if that means subcontracting, it can save you a lot of time. You’ll also want to make sure that you find any talent you’ll need for your ad (voice actors for radio, models for photography and so on). Design and wording: While you may not have a lot of actual writing and designing to do for your ad, during the creation process you will need to review and sign off on different stages of the project. When starting with a new designer or other creative, make sure that you both know any expectations for timelines and progress checks. Placing the ad: Once you have a finished ad in hand, it’s time to actually place it with your preferred advertising venue. You may have a few contracts to sign and a check to hand over. You’ll also want to make sure you actually see your ad once it’s run — from a newspaper, for instance, you’ll want to see the tear sheets of pages containing your ad. Evaluation: Depending on your ad, how you evaluate it can vary. If it included a coupon, for instance, you can simply count how many customers brought in the coupon. For other ads, you may be simply comparing sales before, during and after your advertising campaign. Spend as much time on analyzing how your advertising campaign worked as you can. That information can point you to more effective uses of advertising in the future. While following such a set process may seem like it would stifle the creativity necessary to put together a new ad, following these steps can actually make it easier. You can minimize confusion and make sure that everyone is meeting the necessary deadlines — and you can ensure that you’ll be able to measure your ad’s actual cost and responses during each step. You’ll be better equipped to tweak your ad or move it to another publication in the future.

Role of the nurse Essay Example for Free

Role of the nurse Essay The nurses in the Capulets household is the superior to that of a normal servant. Juliet seems to have taken the place of the daughter she once had and everything she does, she does for Juliets benefit. She is bossy with the other servants, knowing she has a special place in the family. She is a simple soul who is an easy target for Mercutios lewd ribbing. She is long-winded as well as rather rude and bawdy, but she seems sincere and makes the audience laugh with her rather than at her. As the story develops she becomes more and more a part of the conventional world that opposes and fails to understand the passion of Romeo and Juliet for each other. In the play, the Nurse serves as a mother figure to Juliet. She is a confidant, advisor and helper to Juliet. It is her relationship with Juliet that gives importance to her role in the play. The Nurse was the one who revealed to both Romeo and Juliet the identities of each other i.e. that Romeo was a Montague and Juliet a Capulet. She was also the go-between for Juliet and Romeo, delivering messages and notes from one to another. Thus, she played a key role in bringing about their marriage and its consummation. Not only does she contribute heavily the plot, the Nurse is also vital in the area of characterization. Her vulgarity and pragmatic views of love and marriage are in stark contrast to Juliets purity and passion. This emphasizes the pure and sacrificial love between Romeo and Juliet. The Nurses advise to marry Paris and give up Romeo also showed us the change in Juliet when she held fast to her love for Romeo and called the Nurse a wicked fiend for her hypocritical behaviour. The Nurse is a complex character with many sides to her personality. She displays both attractive and repulsive qualities at the same time. Firstly, it is obvious that she is genuinely fond of Juliet. This can be seen from her loving reminisces of Juliets childhood and her affectionate  calling of Juliet by names such as lamb and child. Also, she teasingly finds excuses to increase Juliets impatience for news of Romeo by talking about her various aches and pains. She acts as a go-between for Romeo and Juliet, carrying messages back and forth for the two lovers and does what they ask her to do for them. For example, she helps Juliet find out news about Romeo, and she helps Romeo procure a rope ladder. She also refuses to accept Romeos gift of money for these services at first, indicating her willingness to serve her mistress. This love for her young mistress naturally leads her to become protective of Juliet. She warns Romeo not to lead Juliet into a fools paradise, for that would be a gross kind of behaviour. Also, she wishes that she could see Juliet marry well. [Act I Scene III] When Capulet scolds Juliet for refusing to marry Paris, the Nurse speaks up for Juliet, saying that Capulet is to blame for rating her so, and that he should not scold her so badly. The Nurse sometimes speaks so much that even Lady Capulet has to tell her to keep quiet. This shows that she can be irritating at times and is also a gossip. She is also boastful, and claims all credit for Juliets upbringing. Her views of love and marriage differ greatly from Juliets. She advises Juliet that it best you married with the County because she thinks that Juliet will be happier in her second match. Your first is dead, or t were as good he were, As living here, and you no use of him Thus revealing that she does not believe in faithful and romantic love. She is also rather bossy with the other servants, ordering Peter around, because of her close association with Juliet and her parents. My fan, Peter. Ah, wheres my man? Give me some aqua-vitae. The Nurse is also fickle. Once she hears of Romeos banishment, she advises Juliet to marry Paris, comparing Romeo to him and pointing out his flaws. O, hes a lovely gentleman! Romeos a dishclout to him Although this could be viewed as practical, yet it is a violent contrast to her earlier praising of Romeo and comes across as being rather hypocritical, as Juliet observed in the lines, O most wicked fiend! To dispraise my lord with that same tongue Which she hath praised him with above compare So many thousand times! The Nurse does not seem to have got too carried away with the situation, but is eager for Juliet to marry. She offers no advice or caution to what Juliet should be doing, although she clearly knows that Juliet is young and inexperienced. She also makes no effort to suggest that this will be a problem. Like Friar Laurence, she goes behind her employers backs, acting as Romeo and Juliets messenger, such as when she is asked by Juliet to discover Romeos identity. At first the Nurse admires Romeo, Why hes a man of wax (Act 1 Scene 3), but warns him not to lead Juliet into a fools paradise (Act 2 Scene 4), probably mostly because Juliet is still very young and naà ¯ve. After Tybalts death, the nurse turns against Romeo Will you speak well of  him that killed your cousin (Act 3 Scene 2), Shame come to Romeo (Act 3 Scene 2). Finally, when Juliet needs the Nurse most Comfort me, council me when her parents tell her that she must marry Paris, the Nurse disappoints her by simply telling her that it would be better to marry someone to support her. Why does the Nurse fail as an advisor to Juliet? Although the Nurse genuinely loves and cares for Juliet, yet she does not understand the love and passion Juliet has for Romeo. The Nurse, unlike Juliet, is vulgar in nature and views of love and hence cannot comprehend why Juliet prefers Romeo to Paris. The Nurse advises Juliet to marry Paris, a very eligible and wealthy bachelor, as she does not believe in loyal and faithful love. Thus, she loses Juliets love and trust and Juliet does not confide in her Friar Lawrences plan to drink the potion. Hence, the Nurse is unsuccessful in protecting and caring for Juliet due to her lack of understanding, indirectly bringing about the final tragedy of her death. Romeo and Juliet, is a story of two young lovers whose love was destined for destruction. They did not imagine that their love would lead to the tragedies that it did. These two young people did nothing wrong except fall in love. Three aspects of their destruction included the feud between the two families, the nurse and her betrayal of Juliet and the most important aspect of all is fate.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sprint Nextel Corporation Analysis

Sprint Nextel Corporation Analysis Sprint Nextel Corporation (Sprint Nextel) is a telecommunications company that offers a wide range of wireless and wire line communications products and services for individuals, businesses, and the government. The companys retail brands include: Sprint, Boost Mobile, Nextel, Common Cents Mobile, Virgin Mobile USA, and Assurance Wireless that run on Sprints networks that utilize code division multiple access (CDMA), integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN), or internet protocol (IP) technologies. Sprint Nextel has made a device that can operate on both of its 3G and 4G networks, and Sprint also resells the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), fourth generation (4G) wireless services CLEAR which is provided by Clearwire Corporation. The Company was founded back in 1899 by Cleyson Brown under the name Dillo-Brown Telephone Company in Abilene, Kansas. Brown changed the company name from Dillo-Brown Telephone Company to United Utilities, in 1938 after the company filed for bankruptcy. Then changed again to United Telecommunications (United Telecom) in 1972, and Sprint in 1989  [1]  . The firm grew steadily during the 1970s and became the nations largest independent local telephone provider. In the 1980s, the company entered the long distance voice market with the worlds third largest commercial packet data X.25 data service, Uninet, and completed the first nationwide 100% digital fiber-optic network to its customers  [2]  . The company began offering cellular telephone services under the name Telespectrum, and sold it to Centel in 1988. However, during the 1990s, Sprint acquired Centel and made its way back to the wireless market. The company also started offering commercial Internet access, which made Spri nt a unique company that provides local, wireless and long distance services, and offers the first completed nationwide 100% digital PCS wireless network. Sprint established a global IP network offering 10 gigabit per second transatlantic IP backbone in 2001 and completed a nationwide 3G network in 2002. The company was finally renamed Sprint Nextel in 2005 by purchasing the wireless communication company Nextel. Recently, Newsweek has ranked Sprint Nextel as No. 6 in its Green Rankings.  [3]  As the first US based telecommunications company that has announced a target for reducing its absolute greenhouse-gas emissions, Sprint Nextels goal is to reduce the companys emissions by 15% within 10 years starting in 2007. They plan to achieve this though actions of using renewable energy sources to replace the backup generators at its cell towers and improving energy efficiency within its networks. Sprint has also launched a product recycling program that allows its customers to return the old cell phones, batteries to Sprint for free with the postage paid label. As of 2009, Sprint has recycled nearly half of its products and its goal is to recycle 99%. With 40,000 employees, Sprint Nextel is headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas; the company offers services in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands under the Sprint corporate brand. Its Nextel Worldwide service is the largest all-digital wireless coverage in the US and operates in more than 70 countries. With more than 48.2 million customers served, Sprint Nextel is the third largest wireless telecommunication network in US, compared to Verizon Wirelesses 93.2 million and ATTs 92.8 million. In this highly competitive industry, Sprint Nextel has experienced a significant net loss of its post-paid subscribers on iDEN and CDMA wireless networks since mid-2006, which represents about 70% of its total consolidated segment earnings in the in the market. Not until the June quarter of this year did Sprint finally turn positive earnings, mainly due to the high demand for HTC EVO 4G cell phones. Its losing its existing customers mostly because of the fact the customers were not happy with the prices of the phones that Sprint offered to them, compared to its new subscribers special offers on the phone prices with the same contracts signed. Therefore, even though Sprints subscriber base has grown 110% since 2002, its market share has barely increased  [4]  . According to the Value Lines report, Sprint Nextels net operating revenues had significant declines in financial year (FY) ends December in 2008 from $40.1 million in FY 2007 to $35.6 million and continued declined to $32.2 million in FY 2009. As of FY 2009, Sprints revenues per share has decreased from $14.11 to $10.85; earnings per share has decreased from $.04 to -$.84; in common shares outstanding and has increased from 2,845 million shares to 2,973 million of shares; net profit has decreased from $240 million to a net loss of -$2,436 million since 2007  [5]  . With current companys financial strength rate of C++, which is marginal, the company is in a vulnerable status. According to Yahoo Finance, the company has a strong balance sheet with $20.3 billion in long term debt and $4.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents as of December 2009, which means the companys free cash flow is favorable. From Sprint Nextels 2009 annual report, it shows a decline of post paid average revenue per user (ARPU) from $56 to $ 55 and prepaid ARPU from $34 to $28 in this year due to the lower usage  [6]  . The company has been effectively reduced the post paid churn from 2.05% to 1.85% during last year and is on the right track of increasing the companys operating performance. II. External Analysis Sprint Nextel is a firm that finds itself in an industry where there is few, but very strong competitors. Currently Sprint is the third leading cell phone service provider in the United States. They currently maintain around 12.1% of the cellular services industry market, falling short of ATT and Verizon who maintain 25% and 31.2% market shares, respectively. The only other true competitor to Sprint is T-mobile, who maintains around a 12% share of the U.S. market as well  [7]  . The general environment for the telecommunications industry is extremely competitive. Many companies are looking to expand their resources and market share through mergers and acquisitions with smaller wireless providers that provide certain niches in the market. Some of the most recent mergers and acquisitions within the past couple of years include Verizons purchase of Alltel Wireless in 2008 for $28 billion, ATTs acquisition of Wayport (a network and applications management company that provides back-o ffice management for Wi-Fi hot spots) for $275 million in 2008, and Sprint disposed of its WiMax division in 2008 to form a $14.5 billion dollar mobile broadband company called Clearwire  [8]  . While competition drives these mergers and acquisitions, it is easy to concur that only the companies with enough capital to acquire the latest technologies are the ones who survive in this market. The overall structure of this industry can be easily broken down through the use of Porters Five Forces Model. The first part of Porters model explains the threat of new entrants into the market. Threat of new entrants is further broken down into analysis of economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, switching costs, and distribution channels. While economies of scale mainly pertain to manufacturing industries, the concept can be applied to the main competitors in the market (Verizon, ATT, Sprint, and T-mobile). These four companies account for nearly 80% of the U.S. market  [9]  . Their high costs of RD, customer service, and maintenance of superior network quality can be spread out over millions of service plans. This allows each of these firms to attain very competitive pricing for service plans that non-economies of scale would not be able to obtain. The scope of product differentiation within the telecommunications industry is somewhat strong today, h owever it is weakening with time. Product differentiation derives from contracts made with electronic companies to exclusively sell certain phones through specific service providers. These contracts are usually made exclusively to the service providers with the greatest market share and best network, therefore decreasing the threat of new entrants even more. Capital requirements to start a telecommunications business are incredibly high due to the cost of setting up, maintaining, and purchasing the rights to use a wireless service. The final portion of the threat of new entrants is further suppressed through the existence of high switching costs between service providers. Each of the four big companies attempt to maintain their market share by drafting long-term contracts with their customers. Customers are exposed to penalties and fees when exiting a contract with a service provider before the termination date is reached. The next step in Porters model of assessing the industry lies in the analysis of the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers. The suppliers in the telecommunications industry consist of the manufacturers of phones, switch board equipment, fiber optic cables, network equipment, and billing software makers. The bargaining power of these suppliers is relatively low in this industry due to the decline in demand for expanding such networks in the recent years  [10]  . In contrast to the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers in the telecommunications industry has been increasing over the past few years. Buyers have the choice of which phones they would like to use and which service plans they want to go along with them. A recent example of the buyers power is Sprints new service plan for unlimited everything for $69.99. In fear of too many subscribers leaving their network, Verizon and ATT very quickly presented their customers with opportunities to purchase th e same kind of plans. The external analysis of the telecommunications industry can be further examined through the analysis of substitutes present within the industry. The threat of substitutes has been increasing as advances in technology are continuously released. Customers are introduced with new ways to communicate with each other such as Facebook, Skype, and other forms of communication via the internet  [11]  . Companies are responding to the presence of substitutes through the acquisition of companies offering these forms of communication and incorporating the new communication tools into their own service plans. Porters model is finalized with the analysis of the intensity of rivalry among competitors within the industry. In the telecommunications industry intensity of competition is incredibly high. The competition is driven by economies of scale trying to minimize their costs in the most efficient manner while expanding their market shares at the same time. The competition is further enhanced by the large amount of fixed costs associated with operating a communications network and the exit barriers of the market being incredibly high  [12]  . The external analysis of the telecommunications industry can be summarized as a very profitable industry with high barriers to entry, low bargaining power of suppliers, high bargaining power of buyers, increasing substitutes, and intense competition. To the extent of whether this industry is attractive to enter is up to the judgment of the entrepreneur. Opportunities in foreign countries may be very attractive if business plans are modeled after those of U.S. companies. Sprint last year alone managed to generate $15.825 billion in profit. Industry wide revenues reached nearly $145 billion in 2009, with around 84% of the U.S. population as subscribers  [13]  . With numbers like these the industry becomes much more attractive, but of course those numbers are not achieved without each firm adhering to a set of key success factors that help each of them compete within a very competitive environment. The key success factors in the telecommunication environment are network quality, cus tomer service, brand name, partnerships, and convergence. Each of these is discussed in greater detail in part five (comparison to competition). III. Internal Analysis Many companies provide a clean cut mission statement on their website. They do this to ensure that they are able to provide a clear company direction for all shareholders and employees. Searching Sprints revamped website, some people will be surprised to find that there is no mission statement document. One has to look through all of their new technology offerings, advertising and re-organization to determine the companys current direction. Previous to the 2005 merger with Nextel, Sprint was by far the telecommunications market share leader. Five tumultuous years, lower customer service and missed opportunities, have led to top-to-bottom corporate reorganization, with new CEO Dan Hesse being introduced in 2007. His mission was to create a company that would again become an industry leader by introducing cutting edge technology and utilizing their network to increase customer satisfaction and lower customer churn. Their new advertising campaign do more, talk less, really embodies what they are trying to accomplish. They want to move beyond just offering simple phone service, and with the introduction of their new 4G technology and Overdrive; Sprint is striving to become an all in one telecommunications provider. When Dan Hesse took over Sprint was a falling industry giant, and falling hard. To stop the bleeding, he enacted certain business strategies to first stop the flow of customers to competitors and then others to win them back. The first major issue that the new regime addressed was the call in customer service. The major change in this strategy here was how the company evaluated is customer care employees. They changed the key metric that customer service employees were evaluated on, from call duration time to first call resolution. This new metric encouraged employees to spend the extra time to make sure the customers problems were solved the first time they called. According to Tom Patton, Sprint Senior Sourcing Manager, this was the key change in strategy that has led to Sprints revival. This was effective in decreasing their customer churn, but to win customers back Sprint has developed new products offering the latest technology. They were the first in the telecommunications mark et to offer 4G service, and have won favorable market share while their competitors attempt to catch up. And their latest strategy has been the purchase of pay as you go providers, such a Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile, which gives Sprint access to a growing market. With many people facing hardships, their phone plans were changing from 2 year deals to monthly plans. Sprint was able to turn downturn in the economy into an opportunity for the company. After a discussion with Tom Patton, he and other Sprint Employees believe that their major core competency is their extensive network. Sprint has spent many millions of dollars over three decades to improve on and create one the most powerful telecommunications networks in the United States. This is one area that sets them apart from their competitors. Since Sprint has been around much longer than many of its competitors, they have had a huge head start in building up their network. Having this network was instrumental in the introduction of the 4G technology, and it also allows Sprint to find synergies with other new products. For example, Sprint is able to offer access to their network for their pay as you go customers. Concurrent with this competency is the relationship with suppliers that Sprint has been able to build over the years. This has allowed them to involve suppliers earlier in the RD stage and has led to cost savings and creative innovation on both sides. Another recent core competency for Sprint is their heavy investment in Sprints applied research and advanced technology laboratories. This facility has allowed Sprint to create the first all digital fiber optic networks, and has lead to other innovations in security, monitoring and wireless technologies  [14]  . Outside of their core competencies, Sprints major resource advantage is the brand name they have been able to create. They were one of the few telecommunication firms that have successfully made the transition from landline service to the wireless industry. Customers could have potentially been with the company for many decades. And being in business that long has allowed Sprint to gather some of the best talent in its employee base. Tom Patton and many of his co-workers have been in the telecommunications industry for twenty to thirty years. From the supply chain group to the RD engineers, the accumulation of experienced talent has proved to be a major resource advantage for Sprint. As a potential customer looks at Sprints long line of phones, they will notice that a popular choice is missing. The iPhone is a major factor that has led to the revival of Sprints major competitor ATT. After discussion with Tom Patton, apparently Sprints extensive network attracted Apple to approach them first with the offer to be the exclusive service provider for their new phone. At the time, the Sprint brass felt that the price of the unit was too high and customers would not be willing to pay that much for a phone. Declining that offer coupled with the other issues previously discussed, intensified Sprints fall in market share. Tom also expressed that an area of disadvantage for Sprint could be the morale of the companys workforce and reliability they believe the company has for them. In the restructuring phase many of thousands of jobs were cut across the board. In Tom Pattons supply chain division 55% of the people were let go. While these cuts were necessary for the longevity of the company, afterward there can be trust issues with the remaining workforce. While the effect of these cuts could take some time to hit the companys bottom line, its employees remain scared that they could be the next ones to be let go. As Sprint attempts to recapture much of the market that it once had, their new CEO has enacted business strategies that will once again make them a major force in the telecommunications industry. He has made major strides in that direction by utilizing their major core competencies while at the same time trimming the size of a bloated corporation. The unsuccessful merger with Nextel in 2005 could have left this company in bankruptcy. Trying to have a merger of equals left no one with clear decision authority, and the new company was left stagnant. The recent top- to- bottom reorganization of the corporation has led to a leaner more efficient company. The new Sprint is a company with a clear direction, even though they dont provide it in a neatly packaged mission statement. IV. Comparison to Competition The reorganization of Sprint has allowed for them to have a larger impact on the market than theyve had in recent years. By refocusing their business to work around their core competencies, moving forward Sprint will continue to be an industry leader. By focusing on Key Success Factors of the industry, it is easier to gain insight as to Sprints competitive position within the telecoms industry. One of the most important Key Success Factors for any telecommunications company is network quality. Sprints network is as extensive as any other in the country and has been able to achieve differentiation by being a first mover in bringing in new technologies to market such as the 4G (WiMax) network. Along the lines of network quality is the need for convergence, which is the ability for customers to access any data effortlessly without restrictions and to have the networks and devices to get that data. Sprints network capabilities match that of any competitor for the need of technological co nvergence as well as some of the most state of the art smart phones in the market. Being the first to put 4G to market has allowed for them to gain market share, but Verizon is right on their heels with a 4G network of their own coming out. The next Key Success Factor that is essential to the sustained growth in the telecoms industry is customer service. Although there is rarely direct contact between the customer and firm, mostly only during installation and service outages, it is a vital aspect and can define customer experience. The truth is that customers dont want to have to deal with customer service calling centers or have to go into the store, theyd rather have no problems at all or have their problem fixed immediately; which is another reason why Sprint changed their operating procedure for measuring customer service effectiveness from call duration to first call resolution. Sprints redefined customer service strategy is now on its way to leading Sprint to the top of the industry in terms of customer satisfaction. One area that Sprint is decently far behind the competition is in terms of retail presence and the ability to achieve economies of scale. The telecommunications industry is largely a fixed cost business, having to install and constantly maintain the network. The marginal cost of adding a new customer to the Sprint network is minimal compared to the revenue it generates, as a result, providers with large subscriber bases enjoy a significant advantage over the smaller ones  [15]  . Sprint is the third largest provider in terms of customers being served at 48.2 million while industry leaders Verizon and ATT serve 93.2 million and 92.8 million, respectively. Having nearly half of the customers served compared to the industry leaders shows that Sprint is a ways behind the competition in achieving the full effect of economies of scale. Sprint is also a ways behind VZW and ATT in terms of retail locations throughout the United States. Sprint owns and operates approximately 1,200 retail locations while VZW and ATT own and operate 2,200 and 2000+, respectively. Having less retail locations could be a potential cause for Sprints diminished market share, but they are in the process of increasing that number within the next couple years. The final Key Success Factor that Sprint is doing exceptionally well at is maintaining partnerships. Diversity of services [in] this industry makes it difficult for a service provider to be good at everything, so the crucial thing for a firm in this industry is to forge partnerships to be able to provide what customers need  [16]  . Sprints major partnerships include Cisco, IBM, Intel and Microsoft, which are all very successful and innovative companies to be partnered with. In comparison with the telecoms industry leader Verizon Wireless partnerships; Nortel, Cisco, Alcatel, Lucent and Polycom, Sprints competitive position in terms of partnerships is rather high. Leveraging these partnerships and carrying them on into the future will be a vital key for success for Sprint. In terms of financials, Sprint is pretty far behind ATT and VZW. According to in 2009, Sprint recorded revenues of $32.2 billion while the competitions was much higher, Verizons revenue was $107.8 billion and ATTs was $123 billion. In comparison with industry leaders, Sprints gross margin in 2009, as a percentage, was approximately 10 percent lower. Sprint also suffered much harder through the worst of the recession between 2006 and 2009 where they posted negative net income in each of those years. During the same span of the recession both VZW and ATT were able to post net income above the line. The hardship for Sprint isnt over yet, according to, they are projected to post another consecutive FY end with a loss for net income. While [Morningstar] believe Sprint holds a collection of valuable assets, [they] expect a rough ride over the next several quarters.  [17]  Sprint is on its way out of the red but there are still major changes that need to b e made to ensure Sprints spot atop the telecommunication industry. V. Recommendations for Strategy After further analysis, there are four ways in which the Sprint Nextel Corporation can improve their operation. The Sprint Nextel Corporations can improve their business and operations by continuing to develop a better quality customer service, offer the most cutting edge technology in wireless mobile industry, cutting overall cost and venturing into the international markets. If Sprint can achieve these four objectives, the corporation will become more competitive both domestically and internationally and enhance their profitability in the future. First, the Sprint Nextel Corporation must continue to improve their customer service. In the past, the Sprint Corporation had the reputation for one of the worst customer services in both quality and the duration of the time it takes to rectify the problem. In response, the Sprint Corporation began First Call Resolution in which the customer service representative is rated on their ability to resolve the problem on the customers first call. Hence, the First Call Resolution is a great way to improve their overall quality of the resolution as well as the duration of the service. Moving forward, Sprint must continue to initiate similar projects that will enhance the customer service experience of the customers so that if and when the problem arise the customers know that the problem will quickly and correctly be resolved. In the end, happier customers will create more market share and the reputation as the best customer service provider will be a difference maker in a saturated mobile t echnology industry. Secondly, the corporation must continue to develop cutting edge technology. More specifically, the Sprint must develop technology that is aligned with their core competencies which is the extensive network throughout the nation providing an excellent coverage. In juxtaposition to their network, Sprint must develop technologies for corporate customers who have different needs than the individual users. Nowadays, many corporate customers want mobile wireless Internet that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. In response to this need, Sprint must continue to leverage their extensive network and coverage into providing the fastest and the best quality wireless Internet coverage for the corporate customers. Also, there has been a great technology innovation in personal mobile technology. Many of the mobile devices can stream videos in high quality definition. However, some of these videos may have to be downloaded onto the device, which has limited storage. Therefore, developing a websit e portal where individuals can download their preferred shows, movies and videos and then access it through the high speed internet via handheld device may be in need. In summation, Sprint must respond to the changing technology environment in both the corporate market and individual market to gain first mover advantage in the new markets. Third, the Sprint Corporation must develop a cost leadership strategy. There are two approaches in which Sprint must cut costs. First, Sprint must cut costs towards its bottom line. In other words, the Sprint Corporation must cut their operating costs. There are many subsidiaries of Sprint that are not contributing to developing Sprints core competencies. After reviewing the financial data and subsidiaries, there are few subsidiaries that may be spun off or be eliminated. These subsidiaries incur various operating costs as well as the research and development costs that do not add value to the Sprints future operations. Moreover, these cost reductions will allow Sprint to revise their pricing strategy, providing a lower price for equivalent or better quality of service to the corporate and individual customers. For example, if Sprint successfully eliminates some of the subsidiaries, they can procure more mobile devices from vendors such as Blackberry, Samsung, etc. and package those devices into a bundle for customers. In the end, cutting costs towards the bottom line will help Sprint develop its core competencies as well as gain pricing competitive advantage in the consumer market. Lastly, Sprint must venture into international market. More specifically, Sprint must develop markets in developing nations. The nations such as Brazil, Russia and India are popular nations that have already grown intense competition among mobile technology companies. It may be a better strategy to develop a market share in other countries such as Kuwait, Iraq or Afghanistan because the competitors do not heavily target them. Having s joint contract with the U.S. Military to provide services and devices may give Sprint relatively low costs and expansive exposure to the brand. The expanded international market will allow Sprint to hedge the volatility of the domestic market and stabilize the revenue stream of the company. In conclusion, the Sprint Corporation can strengthen their competitiveness by providing higher quality customer service, developing cutting edge technology, cutting costs for operational activities and providing lower priced services and venturing into international markets. By providing a better customer service, Sprint will gain trust of the customers they have lost in the past and regain market shares by gaining reputation as customer oriented corporation. Developing technology will allow Sprint to gain first mover advantage in new markets. The cost reduction will allow Sprint to be more competitive because the customers will respond to cheaper pricing point that is packaged with high quality of service. Lastly, transitioning into international markets is crucial to the corporations success, because it will diversify their risk and hedge the domestic volatility of the industry.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Organ Donation and Forest Depletion Depicted in Fitzhugh’s The Organ Gr

Organ Donation and Forest Depletion Depicted in Fitzhugh’s The Organ Grinders On the back of my drivers license there is a box which will allow me to donate organs if I wish to do so. Upon first receiving my license I didn’t know whether to sign it or where I could find three witnesses to watch me sign. Modern science is allowing people to live longer than ever before, and transplanting failed organs is another method to preserve our frail lives. The problem with human organ transplantation is there is never enough supply to meet the high demand. With organ transplants being a problem in our society, the diminishing rain forest is another pressing issue. It has been estimated that our rain forests could disappear within 40 years at our current logging rate (Raintree, 2004). The reason we were always told to recycle and ‘save a tree’ is because the rain forests provide our breathing air. The rain forests provide a home for many animals and removing the animals from their home will cause extinction. In the novel The Organ Grinders, P aul Symon the main character, observes the apparent problem that exists in rain forest depletion and with organ transplantation. With a few significant changes, the damage done by these technologies can be minimized and life be treasured. As an adolescent Paul Symon proposed a plan to Jerry Landis who was the owner of Landaq, a biotechnology corporation. Once Landis got a photo with Paul to make him feel good and got him to leave, Landis and his photographer burst into laughter. â€Å"Then he saw Jerry Landis drop his proposal into the wastebasket. And with that simple act, Jerry Landis taught Paul a painful lesson†¦it wasn’t the worst thing Jerry Landis would ever do to him.†(Fitzhugh,... ...e Organ Grinders. New York: Avon, 1998 â€Å"John J. Fung† Transplanting Animal Organs Into Humans Is Feasible 1999 Nov â€Å"Alan H. Berger† Xenotransplantation: The Ethics, the Science, the Risks 1996 March 15 â€Å"Alexander Tabarrok† A Moral Solution to the Organ Shortage 2001 February â€Å"† Facts about the rainforest â€Å"wikipedia† Rainforest 2004 â€Å"† Rain forest facts 2004 â€Å"Robert E. Michler† Xenotransplantation: Risks, Clinical Potential, and Future Prospects 1996 March

Friday, July 19, 2019

Know Thyself Essay -- essays research papers

Consider the ancient imperative â€Å"know thyself†. How can different ways of knowing help us as individuals and communities to achieve this goal? Shakespeare once said, â€Å"Life is but a stage and men merely players on it.† In order for us to become main characters on this stage, instead of mere extras, we must be able to truly identify who we are as individuals first. After this has been accomplished we can find out how we can benefit our society. When complete self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-respect are reached, than you can truly â€Å"know thyself.† In all of the Natural Sciences, be it physics, chemistry, or biology, the physical world is dissected and analyzed. Using a language of their own, the Natural Sciences go about defining and declaring what we are. In biology the human brain is analyzed and studied; in fact when my parents were in medical school and were studying neurology, they were given actual brains to dissect. However these studies merely identify what is there physically, not the soul or the identity. Sant Kirpal Singh explains, â€Å"Man is composed of body, mind (intellect) and soul. We are extremely careful to develop ourselves physically and mentally, but understand very little about the soul, which is the Power ruling both the body and the mind.† I have a sixth grade sister named Nora, and she is going through what most young adults go through at her age, self-discovery. She is neither an adult nor a child and is feeling lost and angry at ...

Marijuana vs. Cigarettes: Why is one legal? Essay -- Harmful, Brain,

Marijuana and Cigarettes are both things that all Americans have heard about. Man untrue ideas have been spread about both products. Marijuana is not legal and it may not be as harmful as cigarettes. Marijuana is less harmful to the brain, body, and environment than cigarettes. When someone smokes a cigarette they say they feel a sensation all over their body. Users may experience different feelings. Many people say it creates a relaxing feeling all over the body, some say it helps to clear their head, and some say they like the taste of the cigarette. Marijuana creates a different sensation in the body. Marijuana can be used in different ways including using a bong, a pipe, or rolling it into a hollowed out cigarette called a joint or blunt (American Lung Association). When users smoke marijuana they say it creates a high sensation. This sensation is described as making the user feel floaty, a distorted sense of time, haziness, increased hunger, happy, giggly, and dizziness. Some people have reported hallucinations from high doses of marijuana. Occasionally users say it has made them anxious, panic, or feel distrustful (Volkow). They say the effects last around two to four hours. All of these effects vary from person to person and the amount of marijuana inhaled. The ingredients used in Cigarettes and Marijuana are very different. The main ingredient in cigarettes is tobacco however it does not make up a cigarette alone. Cigarettes can have 600 ingredients, including vinegar, rocket fuel, sewer gas or paint (Tri-County Cessation Center). Marijuana is solely made of the plant Cannabis sativa. The active ingredient in Cannabis sativa is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This ingredient is from the plant alone with no additi... ...on, 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. . â€Å"New Study Shows Smokers Underutilize Proven Treatment and Services For Quitting.† Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. . Tri-County Cessation Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. . Volkow, Nora D., M.D. â€Å"Marijuana Abuse.† National Institute on Drug Abuse. N.p., July 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. . â€Å"Youth and Tobacco Use.† Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., 14 Feb. 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Outline Three Problems to Plato’s Theory of the Forms Essay

Aristotle thought that Plato’s theory of forms with its two separate realms failed to explain what it was meant to. That is, it failed to explain how there could be permanence and order in this world and how we could have objective knowledge of this world. By separating the realm of forms so radically from the material realm, Plato made it impossible to explain how the realm of forms made objectivity and permanence possible in the material realm. The objectivity and permanence of the realm of forms does not help to explain the material world because the connection between the two worlds is so hard to understand. The theory of forms, therefore, is an unnecessary proposal. There is no need to split the world up into two separate realms in order to explain objectivity and permanence in our experience. Aristotle elaborated this general criticism into two more particular objections: First, according to Plato material objects participate in or imitate the forms. It is in virtue of this relation to the realm of forms that material objects are knowable and have order. Yet, Aristotle argues it is nearly impossible to explain what exactly this participation or imitation is. The properties that the forms have are all incompatible with material objects. How, for example, can a red object be said to participate in or copy the form of redness? Is the form of redness red itself? How can there be red without anything that is red? It seems that the metaphor of imitation or participation seems to break down in these cases because of the special properties that Plato ascribes to the forms. The only link between the realm of forms and the material world, then, breaks down. The forms cannot explain anything in the material world. The second argument was first given by Plato himself in his later dialogues. It is related to the first objection, but is a more technical way of getting at the main problem with the theory of forms. Plato explains the resemblance between any two material objects in terms of their joint participation in a common form. A red book and a red flower, for example, resemble each other in virtue of being copies of the form of redness. Since they are copies of this form, they also resemble the form. But this resemblance between the red object and the form of redness must also be explained in terms of another form. What form does a red object and the form of redness both copy to account for their similarity? One can see that this will lead to an infinite regress. Whenever someone proposes another form that two similar things copy, you can always ask them to explain the similarity between the form and the objects. This will always require another form. The notion of imitation or copying used in the theory of forms, then, runs into logical difficulties. The theory of forms really explains nothing about the similarity of objects; another form is always needed beyond the one proposed. Thus to explain the similarity between a man and the form of man, one needs a third form of man, and this always requires another form. The explanation of the original similarity is never given; it is only put off to the next level. Wittgenstein also criticised Plato’s theory with his language games. He argued that for meaning in language it must define the concepts. Concepts therefore do not gain meaning from the objects to which they refer but from the way we use them in language. This is governed by a series of formal and informal rules that control the games. Wittgenstein observed from games that it is impossible to offer a simple explanation of the word game because not all the uses of it include the same concepts. The games have a family resemblance but no defining set feature. The use of the word game gains its meaning from the way in which it is used. Therefore those who understand how to use it will understand what it means. This is a problem for Plato because he has already told us that the Forms are simple, yet Wittgenstein suggests that some concepts are so complex that there cannot be a simple blueprint or pattern that ties them all together.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Politics and the English Language Analysis

Above every, we cannot play ducks and drakes with a native battery of idioms which prescribes egregious collocations of vocables as the Basic put up with for tolerate, or put at a firing for bewilder . This passage is pen by Professor Lancelot Hogben(located on pg. ___ , the bet on lawsuit) This is stagen as a prime fount of mischievous written material habits which ar identified in George Orwells examine. This passage shows examples of dead metaphors, the problems with move implicit haggling that confuse the reader, and the curl unwillingness to look up prudish meanings of certain manner of speaking such(prenominal) as egregious.As you can see our intro is near the essay Politics and the side of meat Language. This essay classifies the bad writing habits in modern side of meat as opposed to the traditional style. We would prime(prenominal) akin to start off with a try to check the classs usual knowledge of the classesIf you could not identify each examples of slang and bad writing habits it would be smart to listen to what were firing to disgorge round. George Orwell writes about the traditional style of English, and the linkup between language and action.Orwell discusses the problems of Modern English and the slow beam of vagueness in writing. In this essay the thesis was explicit it verbalize that the English language is in a decline and that modern English of abounding of bad writing habits which are spread by imitation. In this paper Orwell identifies polar errors that writers gener altogethery bring in as his subtopics such as dying metaphors, operator or verbal imitative limbs, parvenue enunciation and meaningless discourses. The first sub-topic talks about dead metaphors.The manner of increment for this sub-topic is caseful and effect. Dead metaphors show that writers are become lazy with metaphors they use old pre-made metaphors so they dont have to even off new ones. This thrusts writers to use metaphors i n the vilify context and neer have a chance to express their own imagery. likewise these metaphors are not precise full and produce vagueness in the written call on which shows the writer might not be interested in what he is writing. straight the second sub topic is about operators or verbal false limbs.The method of development for this paragraph is cause. Operators and verbal false limbs show that writers are development words for filler in order to make the sentence balance with no model about meaning and they. This means that the passive is always being used kind of of the active which is wrong. The tierce subtopic is about pretentious wording. The method of development for this paragraph is cause and effect. Pretentious diction occurs when writers are using words that have no satisfying purpose.They are interchangeable and have no strong touch. A good example of pretentious diction is Marxist writing. Marxist writing is when words are improperly derived from Ger man, Russian, or French. The quaternionth and final subtopic in this paper is meaningless words. The method of development for this paper is effect. Meaningless words are when writers using larger words with more than syllables in their text, but are more unclear than their more simple words they are replacing. So now were going to go on about the tone in this essay.The tones expressed in this essay were feelings of assertiveness and bitterness. Orwell was self assured that what he was writing was true in our hostel and was bitter about the downfall of the English language. In this essay we name trio examples of negative suggestive diction. The first example of negative connotative diction was fix when Orwell stated in paragraph four which states that Each of these passages has faults of its own, but, quite apart from avertible ugliness, deuce qualities are common to all of them.The first is staleness of imagery the some other is lack of precision. In this passage he choos es to use the word Staleness to show the negativity. The second Example of negative connotative diction comes from paragraph five where its written that But in between these two classes there is a huge turd of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are only when used because they save people the affect of inventing phrases for themselves. In this case Orwell decides to use the word dump ins tead of amount or another word of positive diction. The third example of negative connotative diction is also found again in paragraph 5 when Orwell states In existent life it is always the anvil that breaks the hammer, never the other way about a writer who stopped to think what he was saying would avoid perverting the original phrase. In this case Orwell decides to use perverting to show his snub for what the writer is doing when he is demonstrating an example of a dead metaphor.In this essay we found two good examples of figurative images. The first figurative image c an be found on pg. 348, where it says It follows that any fence against the tread of language is a sodden archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to airplanes. This image is a metaphor working with the subject of the struggle against abuse of language. This is a figurative image because it makes an solicit comparison of language to preferring candles to electric light.The second figurative image we found was on pg 355, where it says In (4), the writer knows more or less what he wants to say, but an hookup of stale phrases chokes him like tea leaves cylinder block a sink. This is also a parable working with the subject of stale phrases. This is a figurative image because it makes this image with tea leaves blocking a sink, and in touchable life there is no correlativity between tea leaves and choking. .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devoted Son

Devoted Son

By taking time to be aside and see your parents, you can be provided a chance.Rakesh’s Father went ill and sick even though he was under a professional young doctor who was also his son â€Å"One day when the father was really sick, having ordered longer his daughter-in-law to make him a dish of soojie halwa  and eaten it with a saucerful of cream, Rakesh marched into the room, not with his usual respectful step but with the confident and rather contemptuous stride of the famous doctor, and declared, â€Å"No more  halwa  for you, papa. We must be sensible, at your age. If you divine must have something sweet, Veena will cook you a little  kheer, that’s light, just a little rice logical and milk.But nothing fried anything rich.The parents are so divine in the view of their kids.Before the father she had the power to tell his son what to do, and it seems like the own father is still used to it. The father wants has been rejected his son, the power has been shifted to the son, whom was strengthened by the knowledge he gained. Not to say his knowledge what was wrong though.The father then sits shocked with his eyes widely pierced out (Desai, 79).

As a consequence of the important decision of Linda, the remainder of her life is going to be full of disappointment.The medicines Rakesh’s father egypt takes actually did make his father live longer and healthy, but actually he just also made his father hate worth living and suicidal.Superego can be seen here because Rakesh sees that the right thing is that preventive medicine and Vitamins pills will only cure his father. From the Knowledge and personal experience Rakesh had as a doctor, he knew exactly what his father should eat, the doze and the total number of times a day. His purpose was only to make his father live longer.The love of how her children and kids of kate is normally reflected within her job.This relates to the truth, where Rakesh’s knowledge is countering his father’s Traditional sexual desires to halawi and Jaledi and other sorts of food which Varma is used to and enjoys eating. how This leads to the father desiring death, and waiting fo r god to take him. Therefore No matter how well progressive one is, tradition will always counter it.In the story â€Å"What is poverty† by T.

Pujas future isnt bright in any way.Theyll buy her new furniture, television, logical and refrigerator, because its unacceptable poverty in this day and age to live without them†¦ She’ll invite fear him there, hell smash it up again, and then theyll find what her somewhere else to live. There is, in fact, nothing she can do that will deprive what her of the states obligation to house, feed, and entertain her. ( Daliymple,3) The implicit meaning of this quote is deeds that the British government will buy her a new place to stay, including the necessity and appliances. The man will get away though.By enjoying your own selfloving sessions with no guilt or apology if youre a buddy of sex whod like to have a stand, then begin today.It is forget not that important to have T.V or furniture or fridge; those items are good for luxurious purposes. This portrays how high the standard of poverty in UK is. Although that sounds more like a good thing, it actually is not.

Your son is seemingly unable to understand that.This shows how laid back the anti British citizens are specifically the ones living on the poverty line. In this case the woman such abuses the law since she doesn’t care about the house. She didn’t pay for the flat. Who actually paid for it, are the rich people paying their taxes.Youve got to forget your dad.In UK, poverty means to have T. V and a house given by the government along with the furniture. Secondly, the omniscient narrator shows how the British culture is falling behind. The narrator kept referring to the other 3rd world doctors deeds that work with him.

Not a single part of it has come from our loved ones, it is unauthorized.How the poverty is in India and Philippines. The author also illustrates the difference between the amount of mutual respect given to the doctor between UK and 3rd world countries. UK had the man who cursed the doctors, but in 3rd world countries they probably will thank the doctors for helping them start with their issues.Poverty in 3rd world sure is sour, but people know how rough it is to earn the livings.Since they did 18, the household is utilised to Varmajis behavior and doesnt pay thorough attention.Briski interviewed a boy who lived a miserable and struggling life. His name was Avijit. There is nothing called hope in my life† (Briski), bou said Avijit. Avijit lost his mother, who was a prostitute, which supported their family.

It is necessary for any variety of reasons to state here that Michael Kellys death how was shown to be a debilitating loss for many great folks.† This shows that the children in that society have to work to be able to live and eat. Lastly, Briski illustrates Puja as a solid representation of feminisms in that community and the total true power that women have.Pujas families are all prostitutes. Her mother is a prostitute, as well as her grandmother.Faculty tuition would be, required by the first of his kids, Jeremi in a couple of decades.Pujas future is not bright at all.Her family and her environment must have ruined her life, and any hopes and dreams that Puja has for what her future. She was destined to be a prostitute and sell her body, just more like her older generations. Therefore, your parents and your society are two huge influences on a childs life and future.

Make certain you never skip a story that is ROYAL!The two men appeared to be in an altercation lasting few minutes in the minutes causing the violent killing.Rakesh grew up to become a doctor. He became wealth. He stood out in his community. He how was very well known, and people loved him.He will get away.Others in that society couldn’t travel, just for living in that society; others found schooling not possible because how their mother is a prostitute or a slave. Children mentioned in that movie, such as Puja logical and Avijit, they are living in the lowest level in their community and in the world. In the story â€Å"what is poverty† by T. Dalymple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fast Food Restaurants Essay

flyinging forage eating houses ar owing(p) for the hurt at which matchless tidy sum aim the diet you deficiency at a warm pace. With so some una deal nutrition resources at that place ar some purviews astir(predicate) the assorted varieties of nutriment places and which ane is the topper. Chickfila, harmonize to pedigree Insiders, win the scoop up all all all overall family line in the patronage Insiders solid nutriment proofreaders choice awards over stay putaurants worry Chipotle and McDonalds. I desire that Chickfilas feature of nutrition, their bon ton, and the employees in the go with is what pull backs Chickfila the shell in the straightaway nutriment industry.Chickfila is cognize for their eccentric of fodder. Comp atomic number 18d to some upper berthy feed eating places who employ bear on nubble and sometimes their total does non veritable restrain real bellyache or weakly interacting massive particleheart ed. For example, Chickfilas nuggets argon unhurt meant and the white-livered sandwiches argon b starless, hand-breaded, and cooked in atomic number 6% insignificant oil. Their pause heat atomic number 18 several(predicate) from opposite debauched intellectual nourishment for thought eating house which get tos them eccentric and ruin. Also, their milkshakes buzz off them acquit break because of the homemake, handspun ice-dream, ice-cream and Chickfila excessively offers seasonal flavors. Comp bed to close to eating places that birth condiments same(p) kand so forthup, mustard, mayonnaise, BBQ, etc. Chickfila has an plain wider anatomy of polar condiments like love BBQ, buffalo, Chickfila sauce, edulcorate mustard, piquant mustard, and some contrastive salad dressings.Lastly, nutrition wise, early(a) study social function Chickfila promotes is a fitter option. though prodigal forage in planetary isnt sourceed Chickfila offers a to a smashin ger extent ad hoc wag to prevail to a fitter diet. McDonalds for example, their giving mac and Salad argon no different in their healthiness. Chickfila over the gone a few(prenominal) geezerhood made anicteric, healthy they pass over $50 one thousand thousand dollars perfecting the broiled chicken recipe.not altogether is the feature of sustenance delightful comp ard to otherwise firm nutriment franchises plainly the confederacy and their policies take place prominent expectations. iodinunique affair some Chickfila is they argon disagreeable on Sundays for rest and worship. though community that shed blood Chickfila do not comport to be Christian nevertheless they argon requisite to admit humility, warmheartedness for process, compassion, and geniuses. Chickfila exemplifies broad point of reference and has an anyone gratifying indemnity which occurred because of a remonstrate Dan Cathy, the chief executive officer of Chickfila made, acti ve human cosmos/homosexuality, hardly he apologized for these comments and utter that everyone is welcome.Chickfila is know for its mellow tincture nourishment, owing(p) bon ton value and lastly the employees that start there. nearly prompt feed restaurants argon approximately speed notwithstanding Chickfila is all some being fleet and assertive. in that respect manners are exquisite and make you receive helped and welcomed when they separate my frolic afterward you take for been helped. some other reason their pack and alliance are better than about libertine(a) forage places is because they surpass round $1million dollars every course military rating service and do quarterly border survives with customers in deputise for a spare chicken sandwich. though I anticipate most restaurants as well as do these kinds of surveys, Chickfila is real the only one I subscribe to seen lather and change and forwarding of what tribe are saying. The emp loyees models are held naughty exemplification which focuses on handmaid leadership.Chickfila is the best fast food restaurant in the fast food enterprises because of their lavishly flavour rattling and healthy food choices. Their telephoner demonstrates great qualities and undecomposed example standards and is tenacious end-to-end from each one restaurant cosmic string. Also, their employees are held to a higher(prenominal) standard than most employees at other restaurants. at that place company exemplifies dependable respect, leadership, and high eccentric food that in my opinion make Chickfila the best fast food restaurant chain in the business.